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Hope In Hard Places
Prison Campuses
In February 2023, Sam Finn found himself in the Sumner County jail. He felt trapped, and not just because he was behind bars. Choices he’d been making for a long time had finally caught up to him. At age 16, Sam started getting into trouble - skipping school, getting into fights, and experimenting with drugs. Eventually, he dropped out of school and went to work. But having a good job and nice things didn’t bring the fulfillment Sam was looking for.
Sam’s life revolved around working hard and partying, which led to being in trouble with the law on a regular basis. “Looking back, I made drugs an idol. I used when times were good, when times were bad, with money or without, in my relationships as well. It was my whole life - the getting, having, and doing. Guilt and shame would keep me from turning to Jesus or my family that loved me and was there for me the whole time.”
But now, sitting in the Sumner County jail, something was different. Instead of just praying to get out of trouble, Sam asked God to change his life and take away the desire for drugs. While his attorney was still working on a request for Recovery Court, Danny Spano and Allen Satterfield invited Sam to join the Celebrate Recovery program in the Sumner County jail. He had the opportunity to watch Long Hollow services, work through the Celebrate Recovery program, pray with other pod members, and share what was on his heart. Sam was also baptized. “I knew it was God providing me with what I would need before I ever got out. For that moment in jail, I was happy, once again having a relationship with God and seeing his plan for my life. I know that we live one day at a time, one moment at a time, in the right here, right now. But when I looked at Danny, the Lord showed me what life in recovery is.”
When Sam was released, he immediately joined Celebrate Recovery at Long Hollow, welcomed by the men who had already been pouring into him. While a bit nervous at first, Sam found healthy friendships and accountability that had been missing in his life. Sam says the best amends he can make is for his family and friends to see the change God has made in his life. “I had to learn to forgive myself for my past, knowing God has forgiven me through Jesus, and following the example of those who went before me.”
“I remember thinking, who are these people, all lovey-dovey, smiling, and telling me, ‘Welcome, glad you’re here’? That’s what it means when you hear it said that in order to keep what you have, you have to give it away. Looking around, I know that together, we can get past any hurts, habits, or hang ups. Celebrate Recovery is my forever family.”
“I will go before you and level the uneven places; I will shatter the bronze doors and cut the iron bars in two. I will give you the treasures of darkness and riches from secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord.” Isaiah 45:2-3